Emre Kadir Tiren

Welcome to my portfolio site!

My name is Emre Kadir Tiren and I am a Student and web developer. I am currently studying. I am passionate about web development and I am always looking for new projects to work on. I have experience with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and C#. I am always looking to learn new things and improve my skills. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or if you would like to work together on a project.

Emre Kadir Tiren

Other Hobby's

Even though I like coding there are lots of other things I like to do. I like to play video games, D&D with my friendgroup (de kluizenaren). I also like to watch movies and series. I am a big fan of the MCU and Star Wars. I also like to read books and comics. I am a big fan of the Harry Potter series and I like to read the books and watch the movies. I also like to play board games with my friends and family. I like to play games like Catan, Risk and Ticket to Ride.

Things I made

Here are some of the projects I have worked on: