My Hack Club Journey

This is my story on how I found, hackclub and how it helped me motivate to code.

How I found Hackclub

My journey began with a passion for technology that I already had. I got a mail from...

The summer had just begun and I received a email from github education. I always wanted to receive those mails as I loved to read them about. And when I read about Hackclub I read about Hackclub and wanted to join them because, well PRIZES!!! But also because I could join a community with people like me who like to code and learn new things.

My first few hackclub projects.

The first few projects I coded with the help of...

The pojects I first made were things like a C# console app, and simpele sites. Here I got used with using HTML, CSS and javascript.

Then I used to work with API's. Wich at first was pretty hard because you need to hide them and now how to send a request and how to process the response. While learning how to work with API's I made a weather graph, flighttracker javascript clock and Weather App.

My first big faillure

As I slowly learned how to work with HTML/CSS/JS I tried to make a big project that was one of my biggest mistake...

I tried to make a entire chat app with all kinds of feautre just off of 1 API. I didn't know what I was doing. I didn't know what to do. That I eventually ended this project. I tried to submit it but it got denied.

My first passionate project

Now after I followed small projects I was finally ready for a project that I totally did by myself...

I am reading a lot of books this summer and what better than code a site wheren users can post their review on the book. So I started to code a page with homepage, ligt/darkmode, books, author's page and much more. If you want to view it go here:

Click Here

Making usefull and fun projects

After the BookReviewSite I wanted to make projects that I care about. So after a short pause and a lot of thinking I came up with a few ideas...

I had an idea I always wanted a pickbord where I can put my ideas on a stickynote throw it on a wall and connect it. And important I can access it from ANYWHERE! So I made it using a database a server.js and a simpele HTML site. In the end it became a tool I often use.

Click Here

And the second project was a site where I made a DatePricker a site where u and a bunch of people can decide when to meet by deciding on which dates you are availible

Click here

The End

It's becoming the last days before school is starting and I am coming near my 50 tikcets. And one of my last projects (next to this of course) was a...

I am moving soon not to far a way from where I am living now but far enough to put everything in boxes. And to make my life easyer and identify what is in each box I made a site wich puts the box id, category, content password in a database. I learned how to create users how to store them in a database. But more importantly I learned to create my own API's and I... MADE A BUNCH OF THEM So know I an entire site wich looks like one of those paid services wich I find very cool. If you want to see the site:

Click here

Want to see more projects from me??

Click here for my github